
Simple Means

This morning, I read the following:

Still another step toward simplicity is to refuse to live beyond our means emotionally. In a culture where whirl is king, we must understand our emotional limits. […] Let us repudiate the modern image of the person “on the go,” whose workload is double what any single person can possibly accomplish. Let us reject the delusions of grandeur that say we are the only ones who can save the world. We must learn our emotional limits and respect them. Our children and spouses will love us for it.

Now, as I write in hopes to meet a self-imposed deadline, I simply stop. In a world full of hurry and busy and multi-tasking, I choose to stop, fold up my laptop, and rest. So, instead of the time you would have taken to read a longer article, consider whether you’re living beyond your means emotionally.

I’ll leave you with these words from Richard Foster, who authored the above and below quotes in his book Freedom of Simplicity:

Purposefully, we can cultivate the life of reflection. […] Thinking is the hardest work we do, and among the most important.

It’s not easy to do, but I dare say it’s worth it.